About Me

So, here I am indeed.

I was meant to have a set of questions to answer for my about me section. But clearly they never turned up...Sian...

I don't think questions would make much use or sense either to be honest. Maybe a bit of structure, but then why do we want structure. Okay don't answer that, I understand in day to day life its useful. So maybe this is somewhere you can come to get off track from the day to day norm. Perhaps you will be entertained, but then again perhaps not. Ill leave that down to you all to decide. I will advice that reading all pages before making a clear and precise answer is useful, and to check for new posts frequently ;)

I go by various names, generally Andy will do. How creative you get is down to you. As of the most part of 2018 I am 26 years of age. Some will say old, others will say I have only just started my life. I think I will agree with both.

Through complexity you will find simplicity and thats where I tend to be. I like to believe I am an opportunist and the occasional risk taker. Extreme sports is where my heart draws too. Especially those of a 2 wheel nature. However I grew up on horse back and I will always find my way back there.

For my mid 20s, I have always been told I pour out more experience than expected. Being an only child on a farm, to joining the Army at 16. Gaining myself a trade in aviation and travelling the world. Learning and becoming a leader of men and woman. Then to taking life on my own course out of the forces. Into contracting, more travelling, becoming a coach, more travelling, a manager, and onto whats current in my life with again more travelling. It all adds to ticks in boxes. But I will always say, its not necessarily what you know, its WHO you know.

Through these pages, I hope to enlighten, to educate, to tell stories, and to inspire those whom read them. And if it really does spin out to be of interest to you. Do comment, subscribe, and find me on any other platform I may exist on.

If I'm not on here or anywhere else, I tend to be out on my mountain bike finding ways of hurting myself (so I get told..). So maybe I shall see you out there!

Enjoy. But not too much.

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